Breeze Airways Customer Service Contacts

Breeze Airways is an American airline focused on providing nonstop flights to underserved cities.


What you need to know about Breeze Airways
We receive occasional complaints about Breeze flights. Here’s a passenger who missed his flight because of poor communication from Breeze Airways. And here’s a lost luggage case.

How to resolve a problem with Breeze Airways
This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Breeze Airways mailing address
6340 S 3000 E
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
Breeze Airways executive customer service contacts
Primary Contact
Laurie Meacham
Director Guest Empowerment
6340 S 3000 E
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
[email protected]


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